Farm to table Lago Maggiore


Farm to table

Do you want to know which are the best Lake Maggiore restaurants?

The best restaurant is… where your heart and your beloved people are.

We introduce our service to you: farm to table. 

For us, nothing is more important than the quality of the raw materials and the genuine cooking. These are the fundamental ingredients to prepare an incredible food and wine experience that you will remember forever. 

That’s why we choose to work with small, artisanal local growers, whose passion for their craft translates into the most flavorful produce. We pride ourselves in using seasonal and locally sourced fruit and vegetables mostly from organic farms with an emphasis on freshness and quality.

These kinds of products are THE secret of the tasty Italian traditional cuisine

5 senses experience

Farm to table was conceived to give you a five senses experience, that you won’t forget, we are sure. Can you feel the smell of an Italian Pasta, with a handmade tomato sauce and two basil leaves? Or can you enjoy the rich taste of an Italian pizza Margherita? Can you feel the bubbles of a sparkling wine popping on your tongue? Can you see the amazing colors of a well balanced plate? 

Can you feel it all?

What can we do for you?

Farm To Table embraces the genuine and traditional food of the Piedmont region. We mix a few simple ingredients to make delicious and inviting dishes that you can taste. 

This is what we can do for you: 

  • Organize food experiences in a beautiful location
  • Provide a small farm catering o a private chef
  • Arrange a beautiful pic-nic into the woods
  • Dispose cooking classes
  • Deliver your meal to your location, near Lake Maggiore

Are you ready to live an amazing 5 senses experience through the tasty Italian traditional cooking?



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